Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Stampi e Articoli per cacciapesca
 Italian version
Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Paintings and artistic works in wood and cork
Via Sopra Cornio, 9/a 30010 Campolongo Maggiore - VENICE - ITALY
Tel/Fax 049.9725495 Cell. 333.4974880 - P.Iva 03360340271
Cork, the first material we use for a lot of our creations, is worked with a special plaster that makes the animal waterproof and more resistant. After the first manufacture of the shapes, cork is worked with the plaster which obstructs the pores of the wood and make it 99% waterproof. The mould can also be made even with a remote control engine version, to make the bird fly or swim.
From the shelves full of items there are a lot of specimens of different breeds like waders, palmipedes, sparrows and others which divide the space and the pole position on the exposition shelves.
Every mould is special because is characterized for its particular position, so the reproduction is more realistic: mallards flying lengthen their necks, herons during their hunting. Wings, neck and claws characterized a lot the moulds with them bodies.
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