Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Stampi e Articoli per cacciapesca
 Italian version
Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Paintings and artistic works in wood and cork
Via Sopra Cornio, 9/a 30010 Campolongo Maggiore - VENICE - ITALY
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  Products > Press > Sculture Galleggianti - Brid Decoys of Italy
Collectible duck and bird decoys
Vintage duck decoys
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Sculture Galleggianti - Brid Decoys of Italy
Sculture Galleggianti - Brid Decoys of Italy
Illustrated book wrote in Italian and English that deals with the story of Italian duck decoys. Written by Orio and Paola Ciferri.
In that book there is also a picture of one of our wooden duck decoys. Book acknowledgements include Mr Baldan Stefano, Stamperia Baldan creator.
Art. Code: VAR702
Price: 39.90 € each
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