Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Stampi e Articoli per cacciapesca
 Italian version
Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Paintings and artistic works in wood and cork
Via Sopra Cornio, 9/a 30010 Campolongo Maggiore - VENICE - ITALY
Tel/Fax 049.9725495 Cell. 333.4974880 - P.Iva 03360340271
  Products > Collectible duck and bird decoys
Collectible duck and bird decoys
Vintage duck decoys
Hunting duck decoys
Duck calls
Other products
Cutting boards
Planning - construction - restoration
Other products
Bauletto portabottiglie con gallo forcello
Black bullhead
Blue shark
Bottle rack case
Case with Woodcock
Custom rifle paint
Folding tent top for barrels
Folding tent top to cover the barrels
Gilthead Bream
Glove box
Glove box covered with fabric
Objects case
Painted bench
Painted canvas
Plywooden duck box
Sea Bass
Table/wall clock
Table/wall clock
Waterproof ground cloth for barrels
Wooden casket
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